FarmVille horse stables has finally arrived

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we heard that FarmVille horse stables were coming this week, and they have arrived. *Insert applause here* When you check into your farm, a pop-up notification announces that stables have arrived, and you'll be directed to your gift box.

Inside, you'll find the frame for a horse stable, which can be placed on your farm. Note: These horse stables require lots of room, so you might have to clear some space before planting this monster building.

farmville horse stable frame
But wait! Don't start moving those ponies in yet. To complete your stable, you have to collect materials from generous friends -- 10 bricks, 10 boards, 10 nails, 10 horseshoes and 10 harnesses.

farmville horse stables

Materials can be sent to friends in the "free gifts," in hopes that they'll return the favor. Today, the free gifts include bricks and harnesses and other items will be available as a gift later. The items on the free gifts page are completely randomized (i.e. different players will have different items) and will change once a week.

farmville brick and harness

If your farmer buddies don't rally -- you'll also be able to buy the materials using Farm Cash. These items cost 1 FV cash each, so it'll take 50 FV cash to build the stable this way -- that might be a little pricey for some farmers.

farmville horse stables

What happens when the horse stable is complete? We're guessing It will work much like the chicken coops and dairy farms -- fill it with 20 horses and then harvest them every 24 hours for big bucks. Only one stable will be allowed per farm, and it will hold brown and gray horses, as well as the new purchasable Pinto Horse.


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