Farmville podcast from Zynga - Feb' 19th


Farmville Podcast - Latest news from Zynga Feb 12th


Farmville cheats: Farmville magic tool

This is a fantastic tool that helps you save a lot of time in planting and harvesting.

This is really a great tool this saves a lot of time for you..

Farmville Magic Tools is a program for Windows that allows you to automate some operations of Farmville game in Facebook. This program helps you in plow, plant and harvest operations. The tool includes:

Magic Plow Tool
Magic Plant Tool
Magic Harvest Tool
Automatic sell/delete confirm
Harvest tree / collect from animal on click

Download it here: Farmville magic tool


Farmville cheats: Farmville Coin freezer

This really works.


Farmville is now available on MSN Games

Source: http://www.sfgate.com

Social network games firm Zynga is trying to grow its audience with a deal that brings its hit Facebook game FarmVille to Microsoft's casual game portal, MSN Games.

In just a few short months, FarmVille has harvested an audience of more than 75 million Facebook members who play the online farm simulation game each month.

But the San Francisco company said the new partnership is the first step in putting Zynga's games in front of 500 million users of MSN Games and Windows Live Messenger. Other Zynga titles will become available in coming months.

"Social gaming has gone mainstream," Zynga senior vice president Mike Verdu said in a press release. "Bringing FarmVille to a major site like MSN Games is a great way to expand the reach of social games and is a logical next step in how we deliver them to consumers."

Although Zynga develops games for other social networks, including MySpace, Friendster and Bebo, FarmVille is exclusive to Facebook. And even with the MSN Games partnership, FarmVille remains a Facebook-hosted game and requires a Facebook membership, said Zynga spokeswoman Lisa Chan.

Zynga recently made the game available on its own standalone Web site, FarmVille.com. But as with MSN Games, FarmVille remains connected through Facebook Connect.

Zynga says it has more than 235 million monthly active players for games like Zynga Poker, Mafia Wars, YoVille and FishVille. Terms of the partnership with MSN Games were not announced.


Farmville : Valentine days gift: Limited edition roses

I just started playing farmville and wanted to harvest my Favourite Grapes, I found to my surprise a new limited edition roses. With remarkably high XP and return on investment

There are three roses on offer;

1. Fire & Ice roses
2. Yellow roses
3.White roses.

Each of these roses expires exactly on valentines day.

What a gift Farmville has given to all its players.


FarmVille horse stables has finally arrived

This post originally appeared in http://blog.games.com

we heard that FarmVille horse stables were coming this week, and they have arrived. *Insert applause here* When you check into your farm, a pop-up notification announces that stables have arrived, and you'll be directed to your gift box.

Inside, you'll find the frame for a horse stable, which can be placed on your farm. Note: These horse stables require lots of room, so you might have to clear some space before planting this monster building.

farmville horse stable frame
But wait! Don't start moving those ponies in yet. To complete your stable, you have to collect materials from generous friends -- 10 bricks, 10 boards, 10 nails, 10 horseshoes and 10 harnesses.

farmville horse stables

Materials can be sent to friends in the "free gifts," in hopes that they'll return the favor. Today, the free gifts include bricks and harnesses and other items will be available as a gift later. The items on the free gifts page are completely randomized (i.e. different players will have different items) and will change once a week.

farmville brick and harness

If your farmer buddies don't rally -- you'll also be able to buy the materials using Farm Cash. These items cost 1 FV cash each, so it'll take 50 FV cash to build the stable this way -- that might be a little pricey for some farmers.

farmville horse stables

What happens when the horse stable is complete? We're guessing It will work much like the chicken coops and dairy farms -- fill it with 20 horses and then harvest them every 24 hours for big bucks. Only one stable will be allowed per farm, and it will hold brown and gray horses, as well as the new purchasable Pinto Horse.


Farmville cheat: How To Get Two Chicken Coops In Farmville

The video below shows a Glitch in Farmville to get Two Chicken Coop - Recent video - still working.

Update: This cheat is not working as Zynga has fixed the glitch. Thank you Farmville for the information


Farmville cheats Yahoo answers

I was searching as usual in google for Farmville cheats, but today i wanted to know what Yahoo answers! users saying about this. So i searched 'Farmville cheats + Yahoo answers" and i came out some interesting question and answers. Here are some of the threads on this topic.

Thread 1:

This one is a funny question , this guy wants to steal the animals and plants from his neighbors -- Theard 2

Thread 3

Thread 4

I found more threads like the above but sadly i did not find any real cheat that i could mention here. Most of the answers were just promoting their blog or affiliate link.


The best Farmville Cheat available

The best and the most enjoyable farmville cheat available is to play the game properly with smart strategies. The best method to level up faster in Farmville is to harvest as much space available in the farm. Try to Expand the farm faster and harvest at least 75 % of space, this would help you greatly in getting more XP.While doing this be sure to select crops that can generate higher profits. Do this everyday and you can level up faster and save a lot of benefits in coins.

Using this single method i reached level 20 in 8 days.
But for those who want to go the other way, here is a video that i found explains about using a cheat engine to get unlimited coins.


Farmville Cheat using a Cheat engine.

Cheat farmville using a Cheat and get unlimited resources

Farmville's Fan Box

Farmville on Facebook