Farmville players get and Energy biscuit

As Zynga has raised more than a million dollar using Farmville for Haiti disaster and players have donated generously towards this. In return for the kind gesture from players, Zynga decided to offer a virtual goodie, the FarmVille energy biscuit.

"Wow! We're humbled by your generosity. In thanks for your $1 million donation to the Zynga Haiti Relief Fund, please check your Gift Box!"

If you check your gift box, you'll see the energy biscuit that's available for use. You are probably wondering what does the FarmVille energy biscuit do to your virtual farmer. Here's the answer: the Energy Biscuit gives your avatar a speed boost, making it move faster and work faster for 24 hours. A pretty nice addition, at least for those who are not using the block trick to make things even faster.


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