Farmville Secret Guide - Is It Worth Buying?

FarmvilleFarmville Secrets? Farmville Secrets Guide? What? A couple of weeks ago, a friend was telling me about her farm and how she just got a friend from Australia to help her do some harvesting. I didn’t even know she had a farm, let alone, a friend from Australia.

I felt a little stupid after she explained about Farmville. I might not have known what it was, but there are millions of people that play it everyday on Facebook. And many of them don’t use any guide.
So, do you really need Farmville Secrets Guide? I’m sure without any guide, you have been playing the game. Maybe a little frustrated at times by digging yourself into holes, losing money, not having any crops or maybe you are finding Farmville a little tedious as you plod along at a Level 6.
Well, if you want to take Farmville to the next level, literally, and have a blast doing it, then buyFarmville Secrets. Within two weeks of using the secrets of this guide, you can be at a level 24 Cream of the Crop or a level 26 Sultan of Soil with a Big Family Farm or Plantation with tons of neighbors. You just have to learn the strategies and that is when the game gets fun.
Here is a few helpful tips. Gets lots of neighbors. For the first 20 neighbors you help out every day, you earn 20 coins and 5 experience points, but you can only help each neighbor once a day. Build up your farm because this is a great way to get experience points that you’ll need later. Make sure to plant crops only if you are able to harvest them. For example, a crop that takes 4 hours to mature will wither in 8 hours but a crop that takes 2 days to mature, won’t wither for 4 days.
FarmVille Secrets also has some handy charts and other resources that help you to compare items available in the Market and it helps you to plan out your spending and improvement strategies.
Yes, you can play Farmville without any guide or strategy. But it makes it alot more fun and less frustrating to grow your farm quickly and know the best way to do that. Click on Farmville Secrets to learn more

Getting Started in FarmVille

FarmvilleIf you're new to the world of FarmVille, it won't likely take long for you to figure out why this game has captured the imagination of so many people. There are a ton of options when it comes to what seeds you can grow, what buildings and decorations you can put on your farm, and which types of livestock you choose to raise. Because you do have so many options though, it can be a little difficult at first to figure out where to start in order to develop your farm right.

Expand Slowly

You want to get the most out of your land when you're working in FarmVille. This means that you'll want to clear a substantial amount of land so that you can plant as many crops as possible. You do have to be careful about how much land you clear at once though. It costs 15 coins to clear one plot of land, so if you clear too many at once, you won't have any coins left to buy the seeds you want to plant.

It's best to slowly expand your plowed plots of land so that you're always able to take full advantage of their planting potential. After each harvest, it's a good idea to replant on all of your current plots first. Once you've done this it will be much easier to figure out how much more land you can afford to clear this time around. Following this pattern will quickly allow you to expand your farm while ensuring that you always have enough money to plant on all of your cleared plots.

Plan Your Harvests

Another aspect of FarmVille that it can be tough to get the hang of at first is timing your harvests right. Each crop you plant in the game will take a particular amount of time to mature. Once a crop is mature, you can harvest it. But don't wait too long. If you don't get back in time, your crops will wither and you'll just have to plow the land again and start over. It's important to plan your plantings so that you'll be able to get back to check on your farm before this happens.

One of the great things about FarmVille is that you can take it as seriously as you want to take it. If you only want to log in once a week, that's fine. Just make sure you plant crops that will last that long. Once you start playing though, it's not likely you'll be able to stay away for very long.

How to Make the Most Money in FarmVille

FarmvilleFarmVille is a great place to go to escape the rigors of everyday life. You can get back to nature and enjoy the peace and tranquility that comes from working on the land. However, not everything in FarmVille is an escape from the ordinary. You still need money for just about everything you do. You have to buy the seeds to plant, and you'll even have to pay a small sum for each plot of land you plow.

These costs are easily managed of course because you're harvesting and selling your crops for more than it cost to plant them. There are a lot of other items you can buy in the FarmVille market to decorate and build up your farm, and you won't be able to get these without some significant sums of cash. Buying these items will also get you some much needed experience points to help you advance to the next level, so you'll have to find a way to make sure you have enough money for all the discretionary items you want to buy.

Earnings Per Hour

Because you'll be needing your coins for so much in FarmVille, you need to maximize the earning potential of your farm. The best way to do this is to figure out which crops pay out the most coins per hour. For example, strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot of land harvested and they take 4 hours to grow. Pumpkins, on the other hand, take 8 hours to grow and sell for 68 coins per plot of land harvested.

That means, for the same acreage planted, you'll earn 8.75 coins per hour by planting strawberries, while the pumpkins will only get you 8.5 coins per hour. This may seem like a small difference, but these small amounts can add up fast. Of course, you won't be getting your money's worth unless you can harvest the crops as soon as they're ready and immediately replant on that land.

A Quick Turnaround

If you're not going to be able to get back to your farm for 8 hours, you're much better off planting the pumpkins. The longer you leave a crop after it's done maturing, the less you'll be getting per hour once you harvest it. You can only make money fast on crops that mature quickly if you're going to be able to harvest and replant as soon as they're ready for sale. Make sure you take these details into consideration when you're selecting your seeds at the Market, and you'll be seeing your bank account swelling in no time.

Farmville Secret helps you level up easily

FarmvilleOne of my friend sent me a Farmville request in my facebook account Like others I also joined the game. At the first glance I thought that it will be very easy to rank up in Farmville but after playing it for few days I realized that I was wrong. I know of quite a few people who got into the game expecting it to be easy as pie and were quickly frustrated.

I noticed that many people were attracted to the game by viewing the total number of people in Farmville Groups. That struck my mind and made me do a google search where I found that Farmville is the most played game in Facebook, eventually I decided to see what was attracting some may people to the game. It did not take long and I was hooked!

While playing Farmville I noticed that I was not getting through the levels as quickly as I wanted. I made a google search to find any helpful guide of Farmville that can guide me to rank higher quickly in Farmville and also earn a good amount of Farmville coins and Farmville XP.

I tried my hand on few of the guides that are available; they are all pretty cheap so I thought why not? If they help me out I am happy person! BUT not many of them had much helpful information to give and moreover some were even boring.

Those guides were either designed for people who were ahead in Farmville already, or they were severely outdated because of the several additions that were made to the game since they were released as FarmVille is still in the Beta stage, so a lot of improvements have been made to it in a short time and many of the guides on the market have not been updated to account for these changes.

Finally I came across a guide called
 Farmville Secrets which pleasantly surprised me. By sticking to the instructions of the guide I started to see results overnight. It boosted my rank in Farmville and also helped me gain more Farmville coins.Farmville Secrets definitely a guide worth checking out if you’re having trouble getting the hang of FarmVille, or you just want to give your game an extra boost. What to gain a killer advantage.Get your copy today!

Farmville secrets busted

FarmvilleIf you're sick and tired of running around totally broke while other players get barns and greenhouses and the most expensive villa, this information is for you.

You've probably always wondered why you can't seem to make as much money or level up as fast as the other players in the game.

I used to wonder the same thing. I thought,

"Where are these people making money so fast?"

"Are they buying it on FarmVille?"

"What are they growing and selling?"

If these are the questions that arise in your mind, then you should be having a copy of the Farmville secrets guide.

FarmVille is one of the most  popular games on just about every social network. With over 60  million players worldwide since its launch in June  has truly become a mega hit. To accomplish something in  FarmVille, one must master the various range of subjects  including funds management, time management, etc,

Farmvillesecrets provides you with all the necessary input to take you to the top.

To get your copy click here

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